Sunday, August 12, 2012

toledo to superhero bicycle ride

i got a late start after working on the blog and visiting for much of the day at my host's in toledo. the ride across the city to where i would try hitching was not the most pleasant, but i was feeling adventurous. i did find a fabric and craft store along the way and finally got some of those colors of embroidery thread i've been wanting for bracelets.

after at least an hour of standing at the highway 15 entrance a guy gave me a ride in the back of his pickup to dundee. there was room in the cab, but he had a lady sitting up there and felt more comfortable with me laying flat in the back. i bundled up and it was alright. i was just very relieved to get a ride at such a bleak spot.

the busy town of dundee is about half way between toledo and ann arbor. the weather continued to worsen and nobody was picking me up as stood with my bike and bags at a northbound on-ramp. a couple folks stopped just to see if i needed any help with my bike, but they were not going my way.

then an angel came to rescue me! she had passed me a while before and then came back to see if i was still out there. though she was not going to ann arbor, she could get me out of the rain and offer me a place to stay the night. then i could continue the next day.
this woman and her family were so sweet! they lived in a small house with their young daughters, had some chickens out back, and were trying to start a little garden. the mother was taking a class on herbalism and there were some plants drying, or dried, around the house. she seemed to really get the message i had to share, that there is a big shift going on for humanity at this time and we can transform the world with love. she appreciated what i was doing. she didn't have much food to offer, but shared what she had. i accepted it even though it was not the kind of food i like to eat.

got a ride the next day all the way up to the road north of davison, MI. from there it was a pleasant ride to three roods farm, where i arrived part way through the first day of superhero training!

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