Monday, August 15, 2011

grassroots garden

this urban farm in eugene is one of the most exciting projects i've seen providing food and education for urban folks. when i visited on my first day in eugene, near closing time, i was given some zuchini and onions, and the next day i was able to attend lunch and volunteer a few hours. i washed dishes and participated in preparing a couple beds by adding amendments. so many things felt right about this place. they have a public water fountain, wormbins, a composting toilet, and a cob oven! there is some great community being built here and folks learning how to grow food in a relatively holistic way.

from the Food For Lane County website:
"GrassRoots began in 1991 as a partnership between Lane County Master Gardeners, FOOD for Lane County and St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Master Gardeners wanted a training location that allowed them to be of service to the community, FFLC wanted a source of fresh produce for its food distribution program and St. Thomas had available vacant land. The two and a half-acre GrassRoots Garden is developed and maintained by FOOD for Lane County staff, Master Gardeners, school groups, youth from diverse backgrounds and community members all working to make a difference."

4,000 lb. food produced first year - 65,000 lb. produced last year!
2 paid staff - 2,700 volunteers last year

-their soil is made of leaves from the city, manure, and amendments(lime, alfalfa, rock phosphate, and green sand).

-lunch is served every day with produce from the garden (in combination with foods produced elsewhere)

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